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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

screw-propelled vehicle prototype v1 -- with soda cans

Yea so I did a CAD thing with a lot of procrastinating along the way.
Concluding thoughts: sleep. Also do more schoolwork / UA work and also apply to jobs. Good plan.
Oh, include more margin of error in general, in this case for the diameter of the can with cat5 cable included (you can see where I bandsawed the top platform just to see how it would do).

  • redo by making platform higher
  • oh and fix the snap fits
  • and make things a bit farther apart

Acrylic, it snaps.
the video is actually made still using this piece. actually maybe the extra degrees of freedom allow the vehicle to actually work.

Stockpile non-flathead style bolts (socket-headsss i want them), I hate using locknuts with non-flathead style ones

Some pictures
those count as bushings right

this is how you're supposed to couple things to a soda can right

that's what it looks like in solidworks

more pictures will be added to this album: https://picasaweb.google.com/113942194695013581888/ScrewPropelledVehicle

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