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Sunday, July 14, 2013

I finished a hexapod instructables, get featured, and then mope some more

I finished my second instructables ever! This one was a lot more "successful" than my first one -- it was featured on the front page for a day or two. :D yay!

This is the instructables for my 18 degree of freedom (18 servo) hexapod:

It probably took slightly less time than my 7 minute video on the design process (which took at least 2 or 3 full days) yet garnered about 10x the views. The little star in the upper right hand corner stands for featured.

All that it means is that your instructables gets put on the front page for a little while. At least it did much better than CNC nyancake. Apparently nyancat is a thing of the past for everyone except me XD;

day 1
day 2
It was featured within hours of posting, crazy moderators.
instructables published jun 24th

It is gratifying to see that at least some of the thousands of people who visited that instructables clicked through to my took-ages-to-make design process of a hexapod video. See spike in traffic at the end of June.

I still don't know the secret to getting comments though. I want to interact with people virtually! At least for now.

As usual -- then I mope about how I focus too much on these sorts of stats instead of going out and "enjoying what I do" or whatever.

But yea, all in all. Four years ago I never would have imagined being on hackaday and having a featured instructables. These were all things I saw the peers I looked up to do, not myself. Yet I find myself qualifying these accomplishments -- it was just for a project I basically copied off the internet, it is just for a really derpy hexapod I never really finished, etc. I have an awesome friend who was published in science as an undergraduate, yet she always qualifies her publication, and it's obvious that she's missing how amazing this whole thing is. Maybe I am doing that?

Lack of self-confidence is unattractive and can make other people difficult to work / high maintenance with, yet I can't get rid of this in myself. Grr! At least there is hope for me. I can reasonable list three things every day that I am proud of myself for, unlike some friends of mine. x___x must spread positive energy

Well, that's life in the first world. I am in an amazing spot for myself currently -- working on my own startup with two very good friends who are still my friends so far, assisting with a go-kart class for pay, no financial issues for at least a few months -- yet I still feel not-legit, like I haven't really built anything really cool or robust. I'm not sure what it'll take, since I certainly won't catch up anytime soon to people I look up to in the areas they specialize in.

I guess that is just something I will have to get used to. Or I could finish kiwikart...

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