Processing math: 100%

Thursday, March 21, 2013

2dof minimalistic servo arm, now with mapped values + code

values actually mapped correctly = some semblance of control. mapping painstakingly / experimentally determined

the setup
actually very difficult to write words even with the arm controller (versus twiddling some potentiometers to control the arm), because the potentiometer to servo mapping isn't precise and there's a lot of slop (e.g. look at the dead space around the screwdriver)

time elapsed: probably 1 hr including trying to figure out how to draw things and documenting ^^ (~40 minutes to code this and map the values)

 * @file: RC control of servo
 * @description
 * theta1 = bottom joint pot value, theta2 = top joint pot value
 * these were experimentally determined,
 * I had one leg of pot connected to sig5v, the other to a voltage
 * divider setup with a 1kohm=R2 and being read to A0 or A1 respectively

#include <Servo.h>
Servo servo1;
Servo servo2;

int theta1;
int theta2;

int map1;
int map2;

void setup()
//    pinMode(1, INPUT);
//    pinMode(2, INPUT);

void loop()
  theta1 = analogRead(A1);
  theta2 = analogRead(A0);
//  map1 = map(theta1, 163,380, 0,130);
  map1 = map(theta1, 163,360, 0,130);
//  map2 = map(theta2, 1017,275, 0,160);
  map2 = map(theta2, 1017,264, 3,150);
  Serial.print("theta1 "); Serial.print(theta1);
  Serial.print(" map1 "); Serial.print(map1 );
  Serial.print(" theta2 "); Serial.print(theta2);
  Serial.print(" map2 "); Serial.print(map2);

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