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Thursday, March 7, 2013

[notes] lasercutters and nyancat nails and such

Hrm, so apparently it is important to make money. Also, it's important to be happy! :) Therefore I should investigate all the silly things on the internet.

Here are some notes to myself:
image from the instructables
 Lasercutter interlocks~

But overall, it seems like a much better idea to not lasercut body parts directly :P

Nyancat nails! Hattip to Jordan for sending me this via the facelols.

Fascinating, so it seems like there's some paper which you deposit gunk on and then transfer it to your nails. Why does everything sound like 3d printing to me now?

Ah! It's a stencil. Hrm. So the stencil can definitely be lasercut. The rubber stamp seems like it'd be easy to make as well.

Lasercut acrylic, bent into a bracelt:
image from instructables linked above
Hrm, can do a lot with that. I bet I could tuck a small working hexapod into such a bracelet... *plots*

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